Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I was soundfully asleep last night till a text came in at 7 in the morning.

Then everything just kinda felt different. All those stuffs from 2 years back just came flooding in and yeah, the guilt was actually never washed away.

Things are the way they are for a reason, Mischief.

Did I ever wish things worked out?
Without doubt heck yeah. haha

Do I regret how things ended up?
Well a bit yeah but like I said in my textbook answer, it happens for a reason. trust me. ;)

Have you ever crossed my mind?
I know you assume that you dont but you do, how can you not when I keep you really close to me. trust me. ;)

I know you having able to count the times you've seen me sucks but its better like this and its also better if you dont know why. And im nt quoting bruno mars. ;)
Now things are no shit anymore, so I've set my priorities straight. trust meee. ;)
What we've had was priceless, Mischief. That never changed.

Circumstances might change but I want you to always know that Im just a call away okay.

Yeah. I miss you. Take care. Seriously.

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