Thursday, December 24, 2009
How can I be in this position in the first place
You obviously didn't care about me like how you used to
And I miss how you did
Because you gave me the world
Cant help thinking that you were just trying get something from me
How could you?
Were you faking everything?
It all felt so real
All those words you spoke
All those promises you made
All those hope you gave me
All the love you comfort me with
It all just seem so clear now
When everything's over
You got what you wanted
I'm left alone
You don't even care what's about to happen
Congratulations I must say
You really had me
I put you on top of everything else
Even when I've realized all this
I still hope for you
How did you do it
I cant hate you
Because I'm thinking its okay for me to get hurt
I dont want you to get hurt
Even after all those things you did
It's best that you don't even try and contact me again
I don't think you will anyway
For you, I may just be another person that come and go
But to me
You're the sweetest memory I ever had
And it remains
Only as memories
Now I have to get over you
And it's so hard
I cant even delete your texts
God help me through this...............
3.48am - I'm still thinking of you
I dont really know love
I didnt know it would come to me like this
My heart doesnt act like it wants to in front of my love
If I knew I was going to be like this,
I wouldn’t have started in the first place
Like a fool, I am regretting this late
I wished that you wouldnt be my love
I wished that it wouldnt be you
You deceited me, telling me that its not love
I hoped that it would be a passing by fate
Because painful wounds will be left on me
But even when I know this, I am still greedy
It keeps getting me sad
I thought that it was a wrong start
I thought so easily
I believed that I could always call you
What should I do?
Where did it go wrong?
I need to avoid this love
But I yearn for everything about you
I wished that you wouldnt be my love
I wished that it wouldnt be you
You deceited me, telling me that its not love
I hoped that it would be a passing by fate
Because painful wounds will be left on me
But even when I know this, I am still greedy
It keeps getting me sad
Now if its not you, there is no meaning to anything
I can’t contain myself anymore
The fact that I have to erase you
Today again,
It makes it even more hard..
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Fucked Up
But it's the only way to make you hate me
When you hate me, it'll be much easier for me to forget all about you
And it'll be much easier for you to forget all the nice things I did for you
I want to have a proper goodbye with you
But I'm afraid I won't let go of your hands if I do
I'm afraid you'd ask me to stay
But I so badly want to hear you ask me to stay
Because I will
Still I have to go, to stop hurting myself
I wanted so much to tell you everything
But I realized real life isn't movies where everything becomes okay in the end
And I'm afraid you'd hate me for it
I wish I didn't get close to you in the first place
I wish I didn't fall for you that night
I wish I didn't have to go
What am I joking
Of course you'll be fine by yourself
It doesn't make a difference if I'm not around anyway
But you should know
Your absence will make all the difference in my life
I'm sorry I have to go
I wanna call you but you currently hate me now
Let's leave it like that
And pretend I never existed
It's for the best
I love you
But you'll never know it
I'm sorry I cant tell you
So take of yourself
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Chikas, lo siento.
I'm just gonna say
I'm Sorry.
To all three of you.
I understand if you're gonna avoid me and all
But understand that I don't regard you any different.
Nothing changes.
Not the slightest bit.
I hope we'd still hang out when I finish later okay.
I really do wanna talk to y'all.
So gimme a call yeah. :)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
All I've been listening to lately
Frankie J - Don't Wanna Try
Yeah, you can only imagine. And all this must happen this time around, cant it wait until I finish SPM maybe?
I didn't know this was the price for just being nice all the time.
Truth be told, I was used, dunno how I was stupid enough to be though.
Yeah, I know it's hard to believe, I out of all the people.
Maybe a change is necessary after all.
I'm going back to my old ways.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Senior Prom

For more mofos, I mean infos,
Go visit:
Facebook Event
Prom Blog
Or you can just gimme a call
Tickets selling out fast yo,
so move them asses!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Phantom Regiment 2009 Programme 123
Thanks actually, I had a great time changing the tyres with Erika.
It ain't gonna bring me down.
You had your turn.
You should've just stick to blackmailing because...
Now I show you what I can do
It's my turn.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Changi, Singapore
Arrived at the airport only to know that the psychotic ex-girlfriend is coming along.
Nonetheless, she looked pretty good.
Dont worry people, I am bringing my books along!
And my special apologies to Erika for not telling you earlier, we'll go for breakfast first thing when I get back wokay? Loveeees ya!
Screw it..
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
New Degree Of Hotness
Anyway if this mofo called, I knew it couldn't be for nothing else....
And it was true, wing for a double date...
I was really hesitant seeing it was Ramadhan and whats that shit called? Trials? yeah! but he got me interested with what I call
A New Degree Of Hotness...
"DUDEE! You gotta tag along, if she is already fine, imagine the sister!! And since when did you start rejecting double dates??"
"It's fasting month you dick! and besides, I have my trials..."
"Hahahaha.... yo, you're actually studying?? The only reading material I ever see YOU holding is a damn magazine!"
"Screw you, dumbass! I ain't going and actually I already have enough on my plate :)"
"Then get another plate! Or change it to a bowl! Dudee, I'm telling ya, she is so freaking hot that my zippers opened by itself man when i saw her!!"
"Ooooh, that's new. No promises on the outcome aites"
So yeah, I wing-ed him on his date.
True! She's smoking out of this world hot, but sorry to break it out to ya Raez, she kept looking at me I've no idea why..
There's also a random number miss calling me since that night.
And you know I can't help it sometimes right..
So thanks.... haha
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Join me in the last hurrah!
Yeah it sucks, but as things lead on, I told myself
"Damn, her guy is really really undoubtedly lucky to have her"
Haha yeah, its not just anyone, it's "her"
Abang said get another to get over her.
I do have one and took another 3 at one time but yeah, didn't work. :P
See I got a theory,
"If ever ONCE you have feelings for someone, the feeling will never fade away"
WTF?! haha
Ah damn it, this is what happens when you're hungry and you force yourself to study..
So join me in the last hurrah!
Screw it.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
"Fird! In, on your left!!"
Round 3 : 2nd Place?
WOOOOH... I just can't believe I was overtook at the 2nd last lap before victory.... Although I still win overall after winning 2 rounds but still wei..... I was pissed with myself and that mofo ass who overtook me that I didn't bother asking who went ahead....
So yeah, after that went capsquare for the treat... Crazy as ever until a girl approached me which I thought was one of the dickhead's girlfriend....
Fird : Hey, no problem. New around here?
C cups : Yes actually. So unfortunate on the 3rd round wasn't it?
Fird : Yeah. I didn't know how that happened. Lucky him.
C cups : *giggles madly*.... You mean, lucky ME.
Fird : *WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?*
So yeah, apparently that mofo ass which I thought was one of the dickheads is actually a girl...
I'm still in denial...
finally had some good time...
90 days!!!!
screw it...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
St. John's Institution Drama Team 2009
I can never find any other team more perfect than what i have this year.... I neglected a lot of things for drama.. My cadets, partially prefects, jmc challenge 09, the yakuzas, studies and mischievous.... and you know what, IT WAS MORE THAN WORTH IT.....
What I had experienced in drama this year was the most valuable experience I could ever have in high school... I had the chance to work with 15 most responsible, funny, serious, talented team members this year... And they were all too perfect and too awesome.
What happens if you trap myself + Sarveen + Pavindran + Ritesh + Govind + Nasril + Edward + Yap Calvin + Johann + Woo + Schanny + Kok Huah + Brandon + Ravin + Hariz + Charanjit + Izaaz together in one small room with no food and no GIRLS?
We faced a lot of shit this year but out of nowhere, everyone pulled themselves together and we were glorious. Why? Because we were TOO close to each other. The bond that we have was so strong that nothing could break it, even girls... haha but its true, its hard for me to say "I Love You" to a guy but because of drama I told 15 guys straight in the eyes that I love them although I'm not sure I looked yap in the eyes or not la... :P
But it was sad to see that our journey that was destined to end in Penang, ended in KL... Months and months of hardwork endured by us was spoilt easily by 5 amateur, naive, stupid, unprofessional judges... Despite all that, we were recognised as the true champions this year... I myself has lost count how many people that said we were supposed to win and that the judging was very very misleading...
We won and we are champions, you know why?
-We put fear in VI and their teachers right after our magnificent performance
-We were recognised as winners from other school teachers
-We endured many challenges for zone and state but we put out a good show in the end
-We got on stage as a family of professonal actors and not participating students
-Everyone was afraid and terrified of SJI drama team
As this is my last year, I was crushed, upset and angry for the results. When the results was announced, I felt blank and dead, I was in denial, I actually refused to go on stage to receive the prize. I had a hard time acknowledging the fact that SHIT HAPPENS but I knew I had to get over it. The only reason I felt sad was because I know I can't see those 15 that frequent anymore, I know that there are not going to be any drama practices anymore....
I'll miss
-all those RAPINGS!
-Ritesh's tits
-Yap's Yellow!
-Woo's shout of Penang! Penang!
-Woo's shout of "Razif!"
-Brandon's hyperactivity
-Brandon's "ZAAAAP!"
-Brandon's sharp tits
-the drama anthem, "KANTOI"
-Johann's words of "fird, jom chocolate!"
-Johann's gigolo dance
-Nasril's "Wei, tetek aku petak tak?" or "Wei, aku buff tak?"
I can still laugh at all these memories but still a bit sad to know that everything's ended.
I'm still not over all this issue, the only time I can put a smile on my face at school for the past week is only when I see the drama boys and Puan Arnie or Miss E. Other than that, I really really feel blank, or rather empty and sad. Yeah I appreciate everyone's concern and your advices of "You must get over this" or Puan Siti's "Now, you just concentrate on SPM okay?"
No one will ever understand what I'm feeling except for the drama team and teacher advisors.
I will be okay soon but for the mean time I am getting over it.. And it's not easy when you see ducktapes around your room, scripts in your bag, 'taking back my love' on the radio and drama presets on your laptop.
This is harder than I thought it will be but as the title says
and it did, the show WENT on, it never ended. As long as everyone's around, the show NEVER ends and it never will...
Everything that happened this year was made possible by the help of the drama team's favourite, most beloved teacher advisor, Puan Arnie Shazleen... and was later helped by Miss Elina.... Although puan Arnie always had to go back early but she really took good care of us and supported us all along in whatever decision we did. I don't think any of this year's success would be possible without her everlasting support. She treated us like how she treats her own children and teacher is you're reading this,
"We are very happy to have you as our drama teacher! We all love you!"
And also to an old boy that I really respect even when I was in form 3, I never would gave imagined that I would get this close to him. When I was a damn form 3 in Langkawi, the first time he really spoke to me was when he asked me to hold his drama file for him in Langkawi and told me "Hold this, I'll look for you for the file okay".... In a way, I was honoured and happy because he spoke to me directly as other times, he would just focus on the actors.. I felt so bangga that he trusted me with the file... At the end of the journey of 2007, he told me that he promised me that if there was any reason to come back in 2009 is because of me and here he is this year helping us to where we are right now..... Although he is indeed 4 years older than me, I've always looked up to him as the elder brother but it is just so amazing that he treated me like his own friend even in Langkawi.... And I feel so lucky to have known him earlier and had the chance to work with him for 3 straight years..... He is 2005 Best Actor, "Ravinderan Rajalingam"
Back in langkawi 2007, I was so close to him to the part where usually there are 2 tables of 10 when we have dinner, One table will always be the great guys, the main actors, izzat, marvin, jon, andrew, him and teachers. But on the 3rd night, when I sat on the 2nd table as usual with the form 4's and all, I was really shocked that he and jon said, "hey baby! what you doing there? Come, sit beside us". It feels like being called to the 'cool table' you know. And as a new fresh dumbass form 3, it was really a milestone when they asked me to join them but in the end as i was already eating I said I'd just stay at the current table... It was just a pleasure and honour knowing him... Only one thing that I haven't achieved yet, I really really wish someday I could have the chance to ACT with him. I had the feeling the other day when he replaced yap as the doctor and it was just awesome.... I wish I could have the chance to act with him one day, one day.....
St. John's Drama Team 2009
My Buddies . My Friends . My Family
i'll upload a lot of pics soon aite!
Screw it........!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Greatest Birthday Present
SCHOOL NO....... 5!!!
The atmosphere was electric...
The feeling was just undescribable...
Will come back for this...
Some things just have to be posted you know.. :P
Screw it
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Right? Wrong?
I'm terrified of the things I would do just to get some peace of mind....
Friday, June 12, 2009
the day i was iskandar
I had lunch at starbucks with nette...haha yeah lunch at starbucks,
well anyway after finished lunch she went back and I figured I could use another choc frap so I went and get one...
After paying I waited for my drink until I notice there's someone was looking at me, okay I mean STARING at me...
No, I'm not being perasan, I can just sense if someone is looking at me..
haha so I turned to check out who it is then it's true! A girl was looking at me like she already knew me and she was smiling, so I being the FRIENDLY person that I am smiled back la...
Suddenly she starts walking towards me and I'm thinking
"Shit! I don't remember this girl.. Where have I seen her before.. Damn, who is she?!"
So then she came to me and.....
I looked her up and down... She had curves and was still "ON!" and I said...
"Hey you! Primary school right?!"
"YEAH! OMG! It's been so so long!"
HAHAHAHA So as a result to my reaction I ended up spending the whole evening with her as
So yeah but I kept getting close to being busted when I forgot I was Iskandar and the convo went like this...
"Iskandar, Iskandar, I never knew I'd meet you again"
Yeahh but then could cover up la... I did take her number though promised that I'd call her back, felt kinda bad la bcos despite the hot curves, she was still very very nice....
Sofya..... Sofya..... Sofya...
I wonder if I should call her and tell her the truth?
Haha what do YOU think?
I think I'm gonna start a poll...
Screw it....
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Anyway today we will be talking about a person we will either hate the most or love the most....
TEACHERS!!! hahaha well since it's teacher's day kan... why not?
Well one thing for sure after all these years of school, Good and fun teachers never stay for long... They'll either get married, get promoted, get pregnant or reitre :S haha
From primary school, I got the chance to be a student of some few awesome teachers... especially english...maybe that's the reason I can speak quite well since it's not my mothertounge...
But really maybe u realize it, maybe u dont, but teachers play a very important role in your studies, they can either make u hate a subject or simply just looooove a subject... I once hate physics and add maths until i got some rocking teacher teaching me the subjects...
Point is, teachers like these that we really need are the hardest to find. Some teachers are very good because of years of experience, some teachers are experienced but are not that good... People just assume that because they're experienced, they're good..haha what a joke...
I know a teacher who was new.... and she is GOOD, I mean seriously, she looks like she's been teaching for years... She had her own way of teaching us, full of love and games...hahaha baby games? but still, never have i seen my class passing up books on time, cant wait for her classes, behaving during eng periods.... She's really soft spoken, kind, loving and everyone loved her because she taught us with full of love man!!! I can still remember how she calls the whole class "studentssss..." Semua cair kot! haha but as I said, good teachers never stay for long... This year, she wasn't assigned to teach us again and instead, a monster came... haha :P
We always overlook teachers you know, when we leave school and all, they must always be remembered, i hope i can.... Just think of it this way, you rant about going to school early in the morning to study and all, but one day you'll finish school eventually, while they? They do all that for a living, wake early and go to school and stuff... So the point is, although how bad a teacher may be, just appreciate them just because they're simply teachers..
Mind you, it is NOT easy....In fact, how many of you asses want to become a teacher?
Sya jadi cikgu? pfft lawaknye!! joe? mmg joke of the year! maya? sexy teacher?? haha
Secara kesimpulannya,
HAPPY TEACHER's DAY! to all the teachers!!! if u ever find this blog anyway, which i highly doubt! :P
Screw it...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
lembus part 2
I took this time to blog about how school is damn anoyying. Damn workload.
Know what, some teachers should really ask ur permission before they start using you...
Ni tak, for all u know one note came to you
"Firdaus, please write this crap long essay and submit before blabla"
"I have submitted ur name for this that competition, be ready. TQ"
"Please help me send this blabla to blabla"
"Firdaus, please leave a copy of this blabla list that happened a MONTH ago" [okay, this one was a bit edited :P]
But the good ones are...
"See me tomorrow" [Shit, I'm in trouble] haha
"This is your week's worth of homework"[Voted the best!]
They should really think if this student got lots to do ke or he has something important to do ke or he has DAMN SPM to study for ke... hahaha yeah, study siot!
Worst part, teachers that are WORTH helping rarely ask for help... nor teach you.. :(
I leave you with a picture to ponder on....

That's right fellas! This is no super imposed pic or anything...
Yes, it is me! In songkok, reciting the doa!
not something ur used to see?? hahaha
screw it!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Such a cliche isn't it?
Rain . Scool uniform . Plastic Bags . Ice-cream . Walk . Kuala Lumpur
Reminds me of our first 'date' ain't it? Well I dunno what else to say but I reaaalllly had fun and I appreciate what you did today.
Many have start calling me up and stuff and to my surprise kittykat! called me all the way from perth! Goyang bontot i suppose? :P
I can assure you that I'm fine... Serious! It's just I'm having one of the teenage anoyying problem thing going on but I'm really hoping that it'll be over....soon!
The 'she' is just another 'she' alright. Either you understand it or you dont. :P
As best as i can, I'm trying to forget all about her, trying to ignore her and stuff but all of you know that it ain't easy yeah. It'll take a lot of time so yeah! Screw it...
Anyways I appreciate what everyone's done yeah. From that crazy outing to another baking session with maya to crazy skyping to that late night to feeding me with chicks!
Just so you know, this maybe the one time I'm gonna write it here...
I L.o.v.e all of you asses! :)
Penat siot!
Screw it tetap screw it! :P
do u knw that damn blogger takes almost half the time i shit to upload a damn pic so if u wanna see all our wild pics... go look at my devianart aite suckers!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"I Love you, and I'm sorry I do"
I dare you to face that
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Yeah, I'm that preoccupied.
Today I managed to come home early, although eyes were shut, I was lamenting.
It's not fair that only I have this feeling
Stuck in this situation
No where to go
It's too complicated that I'm afraid to even open up
So I stay closed
Trying to find answers on why am i stuck here
Until i asked myself "What have I done wrong?"
I got all the answers after that
Damn it....
I shouldn't have
I shouldn't have
I shouldn't have
I shouldn't have
I knew that all my wrongdoings won't go unpunished
Little did i know that this is the punishment
What can i do to make it all better?
I really can't stand it anymore
You shoud've told me you were gonna do this to me when i first saw you
Now its all coming back to me
I've feelings with someone I know I'm not supposed to
And I've got so close to the point of there's no turning back
Exit doors are shut
I'm banging on it to break it open
But it won't
Stay close and I'll suffer every second spent acknowledging the truth
And the truth? Is that nothing will happen
Stay away and I'll suffer to see her alone
Stay away and I'll suffer to....
not answering her calls
not answering her texts
avoid her eyes
avoid bumping into her
How am I suppose to do all that when the first thing in mind when i wake up is her?
So what should i do????
Either choice ends up with me suffering
You know you're in love when...
-you expect her on your phone every time it rings
-you expect her on your phone when you receive a text
-you slip down the stairs staring at her
-you'd wake up early, study hard, ditch ur mates just for her
-you go crazy just for her attention
-your mind wonders on how beautiful she is when you talk to her
-She's the first thing on your mind when you wake up
-you mispelled some words to her name
-you keep spotting her name everywhere from tv producers, book authors, wedding invitations, billboards....and so on....
But I know that how much I lament
Nothing will change
Only maybe time will tell
While I stay here, no where to go, no where to hide
I have 9 months left to the ending of this
I wonder what will happen to me after that
Knowing she'll have someone new
Knowing I can't be looking forward to see her anymore
Knowing I won't be in her mind as how she will always be in mine....
Don't hurt others
Because the price is something that you can't pay although how strong you are.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Of 14th february and insanity
okay.. here goes...
Dear Mischievous,
I thank you again for a very wonderful yet suspenseful yet awesome yet amazing night ey?
Why do i feel that every time spent with you is just worth remembring? Just cant forget about it la. I turn everywhere and i will surely remember something about the night.
-I saw an ice cream truck :P
-I saw the thing in the first row of 7-11! :P
-All my music player's playing future sex/love sound :P
-I went pass La Senza :P
-I keep spotting the word 'doggy' and 'BICYCLE!' :P
-I walked through Jalan Raja Chulan :P
Haha i strongly feel that you are having the same thing as i am?? :P
Well, we BLAME stupird chris brown don't we?
We could've spent a SAFE and HARMLESS night.
But instead!
White roses . TGI's . Spontaneous . Romantic . Jalan Raja Chulan . Dancefloor . WILD!
Oh yeah!!! Well, you're just getting mischiever by the minute aren't you?!
If im up to it, yeah i'll say something about forensics and farah's 17.... what?! i cant? too obscene?!?!
Abang's counting down.. :P
Screw it....
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Some Things Just Have To Be Blogged!
She was teaching about how unhealthy instant frozen burger is so i was curious: who haven't eaten a burger in their life so i enquired! :P
FD : Teacher! Then you've never eaten a burger in ur whole life is it?
Teacher: Yes, Of course. Before i did, but now i make my own burgers.
FD : Huh?! How do you make your own burgers la teacher?
(She comes close to my table to explain)
Teacher: Oh very easy.... You buy a whole chicken. Cut out the BREAST part. And you make it ROUND
(I swear to god she was smiling as i couldn't tahan anymore)
FD : REALLY?! (merely laughing)
Teacher: Yes. Why are you laughing?
FD : I love EST, teacher! :P
HAHAHAHA thats right mates!
You SEE!!! I dont flirt with teachers! Teachers flirt with me!
Knowing me, you dont expect me to resist that would you?!
Damn week.
Screw it....
Monday, February 2, 2009
what are the odds 2 person tagged you in the same shit?
Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you
1. I dont know how i agreed to do this tag bcos i just dont bother other times
2. Whats up with people assuming that i have a girlfriend? so what if i have?
3. In my mind, women are always naked... (most of em anyway) :P
4. I can do wonders on the phone... thats right! ;)
5. I dont like parties and partying... hahahaha serious shit :P
6. I strongly believe on the fact that age is just a number... yeah!
7. Kisses doesnt mean much to me... i blame my worst sin: LUST
8. Stronger self-control is the one thing i hope i could have
9. My goal is to stay away from the things that im not supposed to do. (i have failed to do so) :P
10. I have hurt many hearts. And i swore i dont mean any of them.
11. If i could turn back time, I'd still be friends with a few awesome people.
12. What goes around, comes around.... dont ever mock people, why do u think im on braces?
13. People say i always get what i want, well its sad that i cant have the one thing i really want the most
14. Family is my upmost priority. You hurt my family, i make you suffer.
15. Never would i thought i'd stay in St. John's until form 5.
16. I prefer travelling alone, it resembles adventure and coolness... also i have all the time to check out the stewardess!! :P
17. In my room, there are a stack of FHM's that you will NEVER find! :P
18. I AM a sweet tooth.
19. I could choose to be a race driver prefessionally if it wasnt for my passion over aviation
20. I hate it when people think that i cant speak malay, HEY! its my mother tounge! And i grow up according to proper MALAY culture... bangga siot!!
21. Small and cute's my thing although hot and sexy are always the ones i go for... :P
22. I admit Maya is the best! she makes awesome-est choc-filled cupcakes that i lovess!! Im gonna invest in opening her bakery some day
23. I cool down and melt when i get ice-cream, donuts, cupcakes!, cakes, muffins, all these pastry stuff la
24. Most of you dont know, haha thats what this is for.....I am a pre-mature baby.
25. You never know if im mocking you even when im smiling... so SMILE asses!! :D
NOW, i tag those who have read this. Yeah! i mean YOU! i wanna know 25 nonsense about you!
I blame this tag to melissa and gina... except melissa's was 16, not 25 but what the hell la...
Hectic February!
Screw it...