:D :D :D
why the heck am i smiling all the way? hahahah
new year's? if i said i was at home watching stardust, u wouldnt believe me..
if i said i was at the mosque? lagi la u wouldnt believe me kan so enough said la.... :P
FORM 4!!
haha hell yeah...
i was streamed into pure science... what bullshit la...
my class rocks so much i cancelled my plans to take science-accounts class...
haha but joe did tukar la to that class...
ANYWAY! form 4 overall 2 days is fun... :P
first day, dah kena tangkap my sideburns are too long..... :P
first day, dah 'fly away'
So my busy days of running up and down the school, frequent visitor of the staffroom, flying here and there has started and i am glad!
Today already im so tired of vandalising the room from morning till afternoon...
although form 4 classes are like so 'dekat' kan, haha damn la...
so yeah! there u go, im enjoying form 4 currently...
HOW about you? :D
Oh yeah! i welcome 2 new fresh teachers, Miss Thien and Miss Farah...
well Miss Thien is like Mrs already la, damn kahwin gila cepat....
But both of them are very kind... i can see and tell... :D